Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sexy Paraphernalia : Or how I'm slowly turning into a Chelsea randh!

I shall continue the Zaheer story, which isn't as interesting as the information that might be useful. In the meantime, I went out again today, with a couple of people. Perhaps more on them later. But I added another piece to my collection of slutty/sexy paraphernalia. Well, actually this addition makes it TWO! But its a start!

The first one, as I have talked about, is my metallic cock-ring, which is still untested in the field. Here it is! I shall name it Billo if it performs well

Today I bought a leather bracelet, if you want to call it! I don't know what the fuck to call it! Shit happens when you blog when drunk! And ahh! another thing! i was drunk and in seedy places, but never was horny! Whats wrong with me! Anyways, here's my leather patta!

Oh man, it was such a great contrast against my white button down fancy dress shirt! And it definitely got a lot of people talking to me! And apparently, there are unsaid rules about it, which I found out later on! If you are wearing one on your left arm, it means your "top" or dominant, if you are wearing it on your right arm, it means you are the "bottom" or the catcher as they say here. Or if you wear on both your arms, it means that you are a "versatile".

The good thing was that the shopkeeper helped me put it on the left hand! Damn, that is excellent customer service! =D

Apparently the "Red" in these arm bands signify something which starts with a "f", then theres a "i", then theres a "s"........   But perhaps the red stitching is not indicative of that! Though, I will find out more when I wear it more, I suppose!

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